
Knit & Knatter / Crochet & Chatter - a monthly get together to share techniques and tips. A chance to pick up new skills and solve problems. £3/person. Cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit.

- Wednesday 15th May - 19:00 - 21:00

- Wednesday 12th June - 19:00 - 21:00

- Wednesday 17th July - 19:00 - 21:00


Free Motion Machine Quilting Course

Learn how to quilt freestyle - drop those feed dogs and go rogue! Over three Saturdays you will learn the art of free motion machine quilting and make a couple of small projects on which to practice and hone your new found skills.

Saturdays, 10:00 - 14:00, 8th & 22nd June, 6th July - £185/person



If you would like to be one of the first to know about our new classes, workshops and courses, drop us an email:

You will then be included in our advance notice list

Christina and the In Stitches Team